Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Can I Do It?

I am addicted to sugar, well, anything sweet! I just have to have that sweet taste to keep me satisfied throughout the day. It's truly rediculous. It can be the most discusting treat and I will still eat it. And not just one either, I will eat a ton. Such as those gross penut looking, marshmallowy candies. Ya, not a big fan, but if they are there, I will eat them. Can't really figure it out. So this is my resolve, I am going off of sweets. Can I do it? I figure that if I have someone, such as anyone who might read this, that I have to be accountable to, maybe I might just do it. Of course it's going to have to be a week at a time. So I will write again on next Wednesday to let you know how I have done. This probably isn't the best time to start. However, I think that if I can do it a weekend where there will probably be a ton of food and treats, then I can do it anytime. I can overcome this weakness. Wish me luck!


Nelly said...

Way to go! I'm cheering for ya. Maybe I should try it, too....after this weekend of course! ;)

Melissa said...

I am cheering for you too. A website that I love and has helped me to eat better is Because I was a sugar addict also.