Friday, January 1, 2010


Sierra was in the Nutcracker this year. She was a chef in the Friday night performance. It was so cute. We couldn't take recordings or pictures during the performance and I completely forgot to take my camera to the rehearsal. So use your imagination and picture her prancing around the stage.

We made gingerbread houses. Josh was eating most of his.

Christmas morning. Santa wrapped his presents to the kids this year. Sierra requested it.

The kids camped out in our bedroom again. It has become a tradition.

Joshua got his hittamuspottomus game (a.k.a. hungry hungry hippos). I love the way he says it.

Sierra got rollerskates, and our basement is completely cleaned out and tape and tectured so she has her own private rollerskating rink.

Tyler got buzz, obviously, he loves that movie. I can't wait for the third one to come out.

Sierra sporting her new ski helmet and goggles. She and daddy decorated it with cute pink stickers. He took her skiing on Tuesday. I was a tad bit jealous.


Burrups said...

Looks like a great Christmas. Cute pictures!

Nicki said...

Glad you had a Merry Christmas!!!

Springer Family said...

Looks like you had a great holiday season and a Merry Christmas.

Jacqui said...

Rob and Denelle--I don't know how I missed that you have a blog--I just found the link on Danielle's. Rob, when did you have so many children? Are you sure you're old enough to have 3.5 children? Good Heavens! You have a beautiful family. I'm pregnant with boy #3 (although I'm sure you've heard that from Grandma) and due Feb 28. I've got a blog too, but it's private, so send me your email address and I'll send you an invite--jacquilyathotmatildotcom.

Glad I found you! Jacqui